In recent days, Chloe was a bit 'nervous, not like star in the mat to play, would often be picked up, wanted to take the breast but did not eat much. We spent the nights sleeping 2-3 hours with Chloe, who was awake for hours complaining if he takes off her breast or if you put it in the cradle, I mean a nightmare and fatigue, of course we could not understand the cause of everything 'and as usually relatives, parents, friends and most people 'you say he has put it, "but it's the teeth!" and well 'since he was 4 months they tell me every time I passed a notte insonne invece io ancora questi dentini non li vedo!!! Mi chiedo ma quando arriveranno??
Negli ultimi due giorni e' abbastanza tranquilla, vedremo un po'!!!
In the last couple of days Chloe has been a bit restless, she didn't want to play in her mat, she wanted to be picked up or fed all the time even if she didn't really eat much. we also spent few night sleeping 2-3 hours cos Chloe staid awake just playing around or complaining if I took away the breast or try to put her back in the cot. All the people around us said "it's the gums" ....yeah alright, they're telling me Actually the Same Thing She Was 4 months and since we are still waiting for the teeth to like.
In the last two days she has Been Good I know, let's see!
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