Friday, September 10, 2010

Catchy Party Invitation Phrases

pony girl games for 5 months

Every day I try to create new games to entertain Chloe, I'm afraid that the repetitiveness' but in the year reality 'I read that the children like the repetitiveness'. When not playing alone in her gym, here are the games that we do together:
  • read books or I invent stories;
  • I pretend to want to grab;
  • dance set to music in the mirror (loves it);
  • talk in the mirror (does it die laughing)
  • shake bottles of water that I filled out a rice and chickpea ;
  • the horse (I can Trottel in my legs while singing and she also sings);
  • bubu seven (now beginning to understand it);
Slowly now growing I see that interacts more 'with me and therefore' I have to invent more and more 'toys, and should I learn new songs :-)

Everyday I try to make new games to play with Chloe, I don't want her to get bored!! When she doesn't play alone in her play-gym this are the games we do together:
  • read books or I make up new stories;
  • I act like I want to chase her;
  • dance together in front of the mirror (she loves it);
  • speak in front of the mirror (it makes her laugh a lot)
  • shake plastic bottles I fell up with rice and chickpeas;
  • horse ride on my legs, I sing and she sings with me;
  • pick a boo (she is starting to Understand it now)
Now she is growing and I can see how she plays more with me, that's why I must play different games everyday.


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