Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mario Salieri Streamibg

Luca Luca, made wet and muddy but happy! Lally

7.00 pm Sunday, November 28, 2010, VRRRRRRR, VRRRRRRR, the alarm of the mobile phone does walk on the bedside table ... But today not to go to work but for the short run weekly good SR!
Pluvio Jupiter a few weeks ago does not give us respite and even today he is doing his duty :-(
I'm heading by car to the meeting point in Osio Sotto, parking lot, I do the enrollment, I put the shoes ... yes, I was still in slippers ... do 'look around to see if there is any other SR but I do not see, my only way to recognize them is the orange jersey, we're all a bit' too covered due to rain ... okay ... CHECK OUT!
choose the path of 21 miles hoping that the weather is clement, for now I can not complain, drizzling.
After a few miles, we leave the asphalt, which I do not mind at all being an little 'Montagnino "continue in the surrounding fields, some woods and along the Brembo, in some places a firm stand, there is water and mud everywhere, but I enjoy all center Instead of dodging the puddles ... a volunteer at a restaurant told me: "you're a little 'dirt behind, so you have a concert going real strong!" mah ... strong ... The secret lies only in the past where everyone else do not go! ah ah ah
The route is completely flat except for a couple of climbs and descents to switch from one side of the motorway, the restaurant owners are well stocked, very polite and numerous volunteers, as I passed I can not do less to say hello and thank you!
has stopped raining, missing a few kilometers arrival e. .. What my eyes see ... SR logo printed on the sleeve of a shirt :-) as we run we present ourselves, FLA is, he tells me later that there are two SR and two girls have made the 11, I resume my pace and let us meet at the final refreshment.
Finally I got to know someone in the group, FLA, PAPA LU ', another boy and two girls ... um ... I do not remember their names ... sorry!
finishers we gather, we collect the recognition and we enjoy Christmas together as offering the Mountain: PA, strinĂ¹, and a glass of mulled wine! Until next Sunday! W the Sunday Runners!


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