Saturday, April 3, 2010

How To Record Freesat To Hard Drive

E' Princess Chloe born my

On March 21, 2010 at 19.50 and 'Chloe was born, with spontaneous delivery. What can I say, and 'the thing most' beautiful in the world, to have this little creature in her arms. I look at it and 'I think of how beautiful and how lucky we are to have her among us. And an angel ', I love being in the arms of Mom and Dad', she likes to eat, and Vance are lucky here because 'feed her it' s never been a problem, and ' newborn at the breast.
love it, yet I'm afraid to "handle," especially during bath time! It 's so small!
I hope to update my blog with more 'constant, but in these early weeks, I will pay' only to my puppy who now sleeps in my chest wrapped in the band :-)

The 21 st of March at 19:50 Chloe was Born, with natural birth. What can I say, it's The most beautiful thing in the world, Have to this little baby in your arms. I look at her and I think how beautiful she is and how lucky we are to Have Her. She is an angel, she loves to stay in Our arms, she loves to eat J

We adore her, I am still scared to wash her, cos she looks so fragile! She is so small!!

I hope I can update my blog more often, but in those weeks I will be busy with my baby J


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