Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nightmare Before Christmas Boxers


Hello to all dear creative friends!
Lately I feel a bit like the sun in March .... appear and disappear!!

And I have so many things to do and unfortunately I have not yet found the magic wand .... who knows where it will be!! If you happen to see her tell her the look I recommend!
Well today I am sending a picture of my market and as always I had the joy of sharing with other creative friends in my city ... is always an experience that leaves me very nice memories and gives me the charge I need to keep on going thanks to the appreciation that I receive on time for my chores and the satisfaction I get when someone admires a creation. I made many friends during the experience of the marketplace and I take this opportunity to thank all the affection that I show.

In the coming days will show in detail the individual photos of my creations ... thanks to all ^ __ ^ and LOTS OF CUDDLES

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Four Roses Bourbon Vegan



15:50 pm
my dear hubby and I are immersed in the shopping spree of halogen lamps , screws, ceiling lights and mirrors, oh, oh, we're late!

In a hurry to go home, get ready with our seal of professional racers, we don BEAUTIFUL, COLOURFUL and glittering shirt SR and head to the meeting place where a crowd of anxious athletes awaits us. The best, you know, you are expected

The training provides a run freely on the bike path Val Seriana parteee ... you! I already have anxiety ... but I'm the president and showing confidence that the role requires, beginning a run.

16:15 pm
The first group consists of athletes from Andrea, Lorenzo and Alessandro triggered start and after a few meters are on the run alone, while Michael and I we made merry and chatting happily - with our relaxed pace . Show some 'fatigue Only on steep climbs Alzano: hills, overpasses, and even some pavement.

close the group that the future mother Sandra made merry merrily making a nice walk.

"But we did not have training on the bike path?! And how we're going around the industrial area of \u200b\u200bAlzano looking for a bridge to cross?!? "
's been 15 minutes of intense racing and I and Michael, we lost and we find ourselves in a field full of rabbits trying to reach the bike path and, after various adventures in road and subway type landfill, we find it. Happy go on ... maybe a bit 'of trouble. Maybe.

fatigue begins to be felt, say that at some point "you break wind," apparently this point I'll never reach it . Resist and increase the pace (ahahahhaahh) and when I decide to stop for a minute or two to rest a meeting Alex in great shape showing no signs of slowing down or stopping.
Oh, no! What remains of my competitive spirit compels me to continue ... I can not reach me by Lorenzo and Andrea who surrounded him behind me. Run, run, run.

about 17 hours
Finally we all come together and we enjoy a brief interlude of shopping and deserved the canteen of the Andes after good 45 minutes of exercise (someone, without naming names, he ran a lot more ', but the majority wins !)... and it is only the beginning!

Thanks to all participants for the short run, chatting with friends and the spirit of true Sunday Runners!

ps: ... but the official photographer of the race what happened? Have you seen you?
Fiore -16

Driver Logitech Quickcam E3000

Dinner ... and where were you?! Official Training

want an apology for the best pizza in the absence of last week!

some people had to dig the sea ..
those crab fishing in Alaska ..
those concerts of Russian folk song ..
and where were you?!

ps: but if anyone has any pictures of the event that we send the mails .. thanks!

Best Fixed Rate Isa December 2009

Sunday .. will be more successful this time!?

Sunday 20 at 11 c / o pools for training Alzano signed Sunday Runners

now the question is ... will more or less success last workout!?
we hope and think so .. but as you see it!?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Black Stools Guinness

Hello to all dear friends, a quick post to say goodbye ...
These days are busy with the creation of some jobs that will lead to new market to be held in my city on 17 and 18 March.
In the coming days I will come back with pictures of my creations.
many cuddles to all! ^ __ ^
This is the poster of 'association

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Gay Hookup Spots In Columbus Ohio

Woman, woman, woman!!

A Good morning to you all and a thought to women all over the world !!!!! ;

from me ...........
mimosa with this cake, I made this morning ....
Sponge purchased already made at the supermarket .... custard (3 egg yolks, 4 tablespoons sugar, 2 heaping tablespoons of flour and a pint of milk ... you always mix over medium heat until it thickens then added lemon flavoring and two or three tablespoons of whipped cream. spreads over slices of sponge cake soaked with pleasure and finally decorated with sponge cake crumbs)

And from my little
With her cake ........ but made with Fimo!!

good meal and lots of cuddles to all!! ^ __ ^

Monday, March 7, 2011

Normal Muscle Percentage Women

'm back finally !!!!!!

Hello to all dear friends,

'm back from a really black period !!!!!!

The influence of This year is really bad .... comes with you ..... ..... you down ...... debilitates you ... and then with absurd forms.
Before my baby ... ugly! then we adults, although in milder form .... then the fall-off with the small and aerosolized antibiotics ... .... cortisone .... my kitchen looked like a pharmacy!!
Then, as if this were not enough, other problems with family concerns and commitments in various ..... MAMMA MIA !!!!!
However, even if not fully resolved, it seems that now there is a little quiet .... approfittiamone then !!!!!
First of all I wanted to thank you for the affection you have shown me with your comments and requests Thank you very much!! I regret not being able to reciprocate, but I promise that I will refer!
Meanwhile I leave you with "THE TALK" ....... not mine! Of those I've done enough already! But with these sweet to wish you a beautiful Carnival .... BRIO some think is good for everyone.
A big hug and then LOTS OF CUDDLES ALL ^___^ (How to say I missed!)


500 grams of flour
40 g butter
40 g Stutt
80 grams of sugar 3 eggs

orange aroma
juice of one orange
3 tablespoons of pure alcohol, or alternatively a liquor Dry
seed oil and lard to fry

Put the flour into a bowl, add sugar to the center the softened butter and lard.
Mix the ingredients well with hands, add the juice of an orange, and taste.
Pour the eggs lightly beaten before you in a side pot and stir.
Finally add the alcohol.
Knead well on a plan to obtain a homogeneous mixture.
Wrap with plastic wrap and let rest in refrigerator for at least half an hour.

Take the dough in small doses and then spread as thinly as possible, making the rectangles cut in the center.
You can also cut into strips ... diamonds ... suggests how the imagination!
Fry in abundant seed oil which I add a little lard ... but if you do not like you can just use the oil .... so also in the dough, you can only put butter, depending on taste. I've always used lard as my mom taught me ... by a special taste!
Once cooled spreads over the icing sugar e. ......... Enjoy!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Import Xml To Database

Jersey Journal

Hello guys!

We are new tees at 7, what are you waiting to book?
Choose a nickname for you, an unlisted number and send us an email by March 10.
We need to get to 10!
price € 40.
We look forward

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dora The Explorer Clip Art Gate

Upcoming events

-> Saturday, March 5 at 16, the first official TRAINING 2011, meeting parking pools Alzano Lombardo;
-> March 10 PIZZATO social gathering ore19: 00-19:15 parking Malpensa - Bergamo
-> Sunday, March 20 at 11 am, according to Allen Journal, 2011, meeting car pools Alzano Lombardo;
-> T-shirt orders during the second round.

There WERE BEHIND ?????


Balck Spects In Urine

Loaf Stars!

...... flu discovered the address of my house !!!!!

Okay !!.... Do not think about it ...

better sweeten the day with a nice box of Pan Stars and pins polymer clay created a few days ago with my little one ... before the "flu lady !!!!" ... struck again!

A kiss to everyone!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

How Does An Analogue Watch Know What Year It Is


... "Love ... That none loved ... Love forgives!! "

... who is loved can not help but love ...

Happy Valentine to all !!!!!!!!!

Ingrown Hair On Piles

A birthday cake! A cuddly light

Buona Domenica dear friends!!

Today I show you the facts souvenir for the birthday of a child .....

E 'I have a loving clown ... "decorated for the feast!"

.. . and to present it I could not help but make a cake .... all meringue!

And here they are all together ... in a row ... ready to go ... bellini not?

To all of you good day ...... e. LOTS OF CUDDLES ^ __ ^!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Free Birthday Cards Of Richmond Tigers

Hello to all dear friends ... I wanted to show you the light that I did for a prince ....

A teddy bear holding a flower in honor of the sweet child who has received ...

and covered shade cloth was applied to a heart filled ....

you again soon to show you other jobs .... Meanwhile, many cuddles ALL !!!!!! ^ __ ^

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Nadine Jansen move


This is the rose that I made thanks to Sal Lella Create a Hobby ...
I chose red because is that of love ... in the subject no?
I am very pleased to have learned this technique .. for someone like me who loves the Rose ... but the merit is all about Lulu and her precious Sal. It will be my pleasure to be a future participant in other sal we will propose!
And here's to you my VALENTINA ROSE! ^ __ ^

Gallstones Versus Labor


morning appointment with the runners had many friends for hours of 7.30 at the start of tapasciata Grumello, punctual as a Swiss watch I made the call with my 4 eurini useful in hand to purchase the ticket for participation, within a few seconds came almost everyone, but missed the call Laura, Beppe, Alessandro, Gandalf and Cale so I left after the other and I was there waiting for the stragglers all alone and abandoned, cold and frost as the little match girl, always with my 4 eurini in hand, when the ice began to cover my pennies, I decided to buy a ticket and walk towards the parking lot, in hope to meet some of the 5 desaparecidos.
Finally, after waiting so great, they arrived and I too have finally begun to defrost.
just started, we immediately consulted to determine the distance to do "or do a 18 +12 a 26 +12?" After some hesitation we decided: "OK, let's take a 26 to 5." ;
We had been warned that the race was hard and tiring Grumello and I to be honest I had also already done twice a few years ago, but honestly I did not remember that there was so much difference. Already in the first km we found ourselves facing a salitone endless; the rest could also imagine seeing at the foot of the ramp there was a sign stating "City Calvary."
Laura and I have known each other a few weeks, but the common passion for travel has now joined us and brought into line by the first meeting and now we train and race together when we can, we share a special touch, the type of training, both of Van Aeken we adopt the method, ie using the use of the word (or rather chat) to determine the gait of stroke in practice until we can talk without going to mean we are in trouble under the anaerobic threshold and therefore do not produce lactic acid, the harmful x muscles of the runner. Scientifically proven method, but Garmin! Of course, for proper use, against our will, we are forced to speak for the entire duration of the trip, often with strangers. Our friend Gandalf the other hand, besides being a chronic talkative (maybe most of us), also has a great quality: he runs can write messages on face book by phone, so much so that today we gave a demonstration His real skill: in addition to gifts of a mini photo shoot started to fiddle with your cell phone when we were in the woods, all in single file, while facing the straits, especially slippery and tortuous paths, at some point behind my back we heard a loud thud: Gandalf had just made a double axel with pike sagittal split accompanied by a "rond de jambe en l'air" and then concluded with a full support to sacred land (a drop in style, I must say), I turned to look at him and I still have impressed the unseemly image of him lying on the right side with left arm raised and holding the cell phone while she whispered in a low voice: "Holy cow ... almost lose my phone!" Of course we all refused to give him a hand back on their feet, and we continued our fearless racing left to its unfortunate fate.
The climb continued to be constantly on our path as well as some steep descents, and the legs were put to the test. Further on we met my friend Nicole who was walking because she had fallen just before and had a severely sprained ankle forced her to retire.
At the restaurant we were informed that the ambulance service in the car had been spotted two other friends of Bergamo Runners left shortly after us.
After being touched for good luck for the adductors, we resumed our travel. Arrived at the crossroads of our men, who until then had to escort us, we were informed that they would rather go for 26 instead of 21, with his eyes gushing with tears and his hands through his hair in despair that we let go . Laura and I, we face make encouraging and we said "no problem ... we can do well for themselves! Let's partner .. to the infinite and oltreeee! "and taking away the location of the 21-pitch pretty ... but so graceful that instead of going into the forest as indicated by the arrows in yet, we went straight on the road wrong direction. Fortunately, we immediately noticed (because seem stunned ... but we are not), so we did it with ease and we turn around into the woods.
For twenty yards we tried to keep pace graceful jumping here and there to try to avoid the puddles of mud hydro, but then we just gave up and we went from step to the vulgar style shag 'er eel "and we are completely smeared with mud shoes would substantially increase, and we were forced against our will to slow our pace until then similar to that of Paula Redcliffe.
finally come to the last km and by now exhausted by fatigue, we undertook a last effort and, like the real ones, we have a 'fast track last ... the language far exceeding the 600 beats per minute and ending our run with salivation cleared, but at the same time with great satisfaction.
Surely some of you think that our training method is not functional and slander to discredit this witness that even talking about our speed is very high level, I show below a picture of Laura's hair down ' arrival, structurally modified due to strong impact on the air during an extension on flat ground.
Good racing to all


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Turbo Oil 2380 Can It Be Used In Cars

Want Spring! Cookbooks

Hello to all dear friends ^ __ ^
This week I've been very busy, and then a little absent from the blog, I'm back but the call!

This morning I woke up with a desire for warm, sunny colors ..... The humidity is destroying us!

As for Spring is still missing a little bit, me and my baby we decided to create an advance
and we did with these purple roses on my part .....

While she has created a polymer clay buttons in various colors and shapes ... are not cute?

Well girls I run because I have work to finish ... Lots of cuddles to all and ... see you soon ^ __ ^

Friday, February 4, 2011

I Went To Open Lots Of Shops

Summary by the President Fiorenza

"runs just BECAUSE 'IT HURTS!"

What Reduces The Effectiveness Of Yoghurt

Meeting SundayPizzaParty

Thursday, March 10

RUNNERS OF THE SUNDAY MEETING AT 7:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. parking Malpensa - Bergamo

(more will follow dettegli)

loads ??????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Can You Take Apo-cephalex With Tylenol

Good beginning of the week dear friends!!

today I leave these nice recipe that I made with the help of my baby ....

Felt cover is decorated with miniature pastries and pasta fimo

lot of pampering! ^ __ ^

Detecting Kidney Stones In Women

The survey is about to expire

What will win?
We run together or eat a pizza?
It is shortly ..

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Can You Wear A Leotard As Bathing Suit

10 months

bbene And we are already 'been 10 months since our love and' born. Time really flies, and I do not believe it when people told me.
In these 10 months has learned many things:
ago hello hello in two ways
sends kisses
crawls very fast, especially when it's going to do something forbidden :-)
It raises up all the time and moves between tables or between the sofa and chairs. Walk pushing his toy car.
makes raspberries
Sa pull well hair and glasses
Eat a lot of paper
eats bread and biscuits alone
It now has 6 teeth, the incisors have erupted just for luck 'cause we've had for two months "Draculina" in home.
Sometimes mother says, and especially when 'angry and also says daddy.

What can I say, it keeps me pretty busy, every minute is up to something, now all the objects near the TV are gone and so 'things on the table.
One thing that makes pero 'e' to be stuck to her mom, 24 hours a day and I'm not exaggerating! Maybe you are from 19-20, during the day often times when Starmie should I have to be attacked or at least where 'otherwise she follows me and pulling my pants, then we arrive in the evening, at about 21 but then goes to bed wakes up at 22-22.30 and Nigel takes the spoils and then wants me, and so roof, then back to bed but when we go to sleep she wakes up and wants to come to Latvia where he sleeps at the breast with my arm around her, in short, as Nigel says, Chloe and 'my Siamese twins :-) I hope it's just a period and I am sure that slowly become' a bit 'more' independent.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bowling Ball That Works With The Gamebreaker

Some statistics, one Sunday in January 2011

91 contacts to the blog inegli last 3 days, 19
new facebook friends in the last month ..
shirt with 46 members, friends in facebook

How To Catch Hoho In Shiny Gold

Mirror .. mirror on the wall!

Mirror .. mirror .. on the wall .....

Who is the fairest of them all?

... The best will be ... Who will look in the mirror!

I wanted to share these with you my creations I made with lots of love ...

mirror entirely covered in cream satin with applied roses and lace,

Coupled with the top box is also covered inside and out in satin, lace and roses ... contain jewels or other ... who knows .......

And the dream will become reality !!!!!