A U.S. judge ruled in favor of Microsoft in the event that sees the opposite computer giant Google, guilty of having hired a former executive of the Redmond Group to manage its operations in China.
Judge Steven Gonzalez has therefore issued an order preventing the company from Mountain View to work Kai-Fu Lee in research on the Internet. On 19 July, immediately intake after the announcement of the scientist, Microsoft has decided to sue Google and its former executive: the contract of Kai-Fu Lee, included a provision that prevented him from working for competitors. The group
Bill Gates had asked the judge a "temporary restraining order" to prevent the rival Lee transmit trade secrets concerning search technologies and China business strategies learned during the years of work to Microsoft. Judge Gonzales has agreed with Microsoft on this particular point, but did not rule on the entirety of the case filed by a number software in the State of Washington.
Basically, if Lee wants to work with Google must show that deals with a sector other than that occupied in the Microsoft.
I agree with the Judge's decision, but even if Lee was working in a different context, who would ensure that he does not reveal a Microsoft company in Mountain View that learned from Redmond?
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