Thursday, July 28, 2005

Hot Chocolate Instead Of Cocoa

Windows Vista Beta 1? Torrent!

The release online even before it came out of the movie Star Wars 3, and the distrubution network 12 hours after the opening of sales of the Harry Potter book 6, are striking instances of what the people succeed in internet what he wants, unchallenged, in a very short time, and how it can spread so quickly.

As for what are tough times in Redmond, after the failure of the WGA , the beta of the new Windows Vista operating system is already available, as expected, through Torrent. Just do a search in one of the major search engines for the latter to find the torrent on.

In the midst of thousands of employees of a film and in the midst of thousands of beta testers of software (especially Microsoft), it is impossible there is someone who makes the infamous.


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