Sunday, July 31, 2005

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The Wind is what Egyptian

Press Release of the Italian Competition (Antitrust):

The Competition Authority and the Market in the meeting yesterday, July 27, 2005, resolved to go ahead with the operation concentration resulting from the sale by Enel of 62.75% of Wind to Weather Investments II. Authority for the operation, which involves the acquisition of joint control of Wind, does not produce significant effects on the markets concerned. Based on the analysis of the Authority, it does not determine the constitution or strengthening of a dominant position, able to eliminate or substantially reduce competition or durable. The measure, the Authority sought the opinion, favorable to the Communications Authority. On completion of the transaction the share capital of Wind will be held for the 37.67% owned by Enel SpA and the remaining 62.33%, through special purpose vehicles, by Weather Investments Ltd (owned by 94.8% by Weather Investments II and 5.2% by Enel SpA).

For details please have a look to the article by Portel. For details please have a look to the article by Portel. Must see if this will have a positive outcome or not, we hope that the Weather Investments will invest (excuse the pun), especially in improving the service when it has fully acquired the Italian provider.

Let's hope so!

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Microsoft and Google in court for a ruling

A U.S. judge ruled in favor of Microsoft in the event that sees the opposite computer giant Google, guilty of having hired a former executive of the Redmond Group to manage its operations in China.

Judge Steven Gonzalez has therefore issued an order preventing the company from Mountain View to work Kai-Fu Lee in research on the Internet. On 19 July, immediately intake after the announcement of the scientist, Microsoft has decided to sue Google and its former executive: the contract of Kai-Fu Lee, included a provision that prevented him from working for competitors. The group

Bill Gates had asked the judge a "temporary restraining order" to prevent the rival Lee transmit trade secrets concerning search technologies and China business strategies learned during the years of work to Microsoft. Judge Gonzales has agreed with Microsoft on this particular point, but did not rule on the entirety of the case filed by a number software in the State of Washington.

Basically, if Lee wants to work with Google must show that deals with a sector other than that occupied in the Microsoft.


I agree with the Judge's decision, but even if Lee was working in a different context, who would ensure that he does not reveal a Microsoft company in Mountain View that learned from Redmond?

Friday, July 29, 2005

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Coolstreaming Return

Coolstreaming, the well-known software that provides streaming video technology through peer to peer, he returned to work after more than a month to stop legal issues, the official website shows a much prettier graphics and less amateurish, and with 800,000 downloads in the back.

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Who invented them?

" may be nonsense but it might be true Did you ever hear him say" I do not believe in witches but there are "And so .. make a wish .... and see what happens.

started thinking about something I really want because it works ...

The person who sent me this message to me said her wish came true 10 minutes after reading the mail. Then I thought of resending .. you

Witches grant the wish come true. Give desire when it ends the countdown.


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Finally! Technorati

After a few podcasts and dozens of post on his blog finally bring ADSL to the home of Salvatore Aranzulla From Anti Digital Divide :

" E 'was presented, at the headquarters of the Province of Trapani, the project for the development of broadband network infrastructure in the region and in particular in Sicily. During the meeting, several officials, spoke on behalf of the public administration of the territory, have been able to inspect the project, proposed by the Sicilian Region, and dependent Development of the Company Infratel Italy for a total of 108 million €, which provides fiber optic connection and some more of Commons among those not currently served by broadband and wireless connection for everyone else. "

here download the presentation, go to page 25, the city of Catania, arrive at the point M, there it was, Mirabella Imbaccari!

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learn languages \u200b\u200b

Since yesterday Technorati integrates into its search engine a filter ( in beta) for different languages, it is possible to filter the content according to all major European languages \u200b\u200b(including Italian), plus the Japanese and Chinese.

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(Via Sky Tg24 )

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X-Player is a free program developed by the Italian group GxWare that allows you to listen to various radio offering Streaming On-Line. It 'a very good software, easy, fast, lightweight, and featuring original artwork and a User-Friendly.

To view a list of available radio tastro must click with the right and select "List Playlists," or there is the possibility direct access via the web from here .

The application is available only for Windows OS (We recommend a broadband connection of course).

Thursday, July 28, 2005

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The X-Player Online Registered

You probably heard these days the news of the birth of the Italian Post Office service that allows mail delivery online directly from their PC.

This is possible thanks to a plug-in released by for the Microsoft Office suite, and that's the point. If I were a Linux user? Even if I were a Windows application that prefer to use Open Office or other free products? I have to compulsorily buy the suite from Microsoft for this service directly from the Desktop?

's not all, so it's nothing. Almost all the major sources of information italian and spoke of this service only and exclusively in connection with the plug-in for Microsoft Office, even essential, defining the implementation and operation possible only with Microsoft Italy, even though not is absolutely dedicated cosi.Nella page of the plug-in is provided solely as an alternative, because it is just that, an alternative.

This sobering information is a reality that can easily be manipulated to affect the actions of people, and that used here can give good publicity, perhaps unintentionally, by those who supply it. We should add that many times incompenteza some journalists regard to multimedia publishing is a lot, too.

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"Just a blogger, nothing more"

who look ill fame, defames himself ...

Update: He removed the phrase from his blog, I wonder why ...

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Windows Vista Beta 1? Torrent!

The release online even before it came out of the movie Star Wars 3, and the distrubution network 12 hours after the opening of sales of the Harry Potter book 6, are striking instances of what the people succeed in internet what he wants, unchallenged, in a very short time, and how it can spread so quickly.

As for what are tough times in Redmond, after the failure of the WGA , the beta of the new Windows Vista operating system is already available, as expected, through Torrent. Just do a search in one of the major search engines for the latter to find the torrent on.

In the midst of thousands of employees of a film and in the midst of thousands of beta testers of software (especially Microsoft), it is impossible there is someone who makes the infamous.

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How to Bypass WGA Microsoft Windows Genuine

News Yesterday's entry field in the final program Windows Genuine Advantage, news today however is the possibility to bypass it with 6 simple lines of JavaScript.

E 'Rafael Rivera was to have developed the code used by IE and Firefox extensions to add custom scripts within the browser, respectively Trixie and Greasemonkey.

code distributed by Rafael, however, is effective only for Windows Update, Microsoft Downloads raboof instead operates through a comment Rivera's blog.

Rafael forwards shows how to bypass WGA even in the beta of Internet Explorer 7 just come out (that timing!)

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

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Redmond finished in the testing phase for the program Microsoft Windows Genuine

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Google Store

Born Google Store , e-shop of the Big-G.