Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nightmare Before Christmas Boxers


Hello to all dear creative friends!
Lately I feel a bit like the sun in March .... appear and disappear!!

And I have so many things to do and unfortunately I have not yet found the magic wand .... who knows where it will be!! If you happen to see her tell her the look I recommend!
Well today I am sending a picture of my market and as always I had the joy of sharing with other creative friends in my city ... is always an experience that leaves me very nice memories and gives me the charge I need to keep on going thanks to the appreciation that I receive on time for my chores and the satisfaction I get when someone admires a creation. I made many friends during the experience of the marketplace and I take this opportunity to thank all the affection that I show.

In the coming days will show in detail the individual photos of my creations ... thanks to all ^ __ ^ and LOTS OF CUDDLES

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Four Roses Bourbon Vegan



15:50 pm
my dear hubby and I are immersed in the shopping spree of halogen lamps , screws, ceiling lights and mirrors, oh, oh, we're late!

In a hurry to go home, get ready with our seal of professional racers, we don BEAUTIFUL, COLOURFUL and glittering shirt SR and head to the meeting place where a crowd of anxious athletes awaits us. The best, you know, you are expected

The training provides a run freely on the bike path Val Seriana parteee ... you! I already have anxiety ... but I'm the president and showing confidence that the role requires, beginning a run.

16:15 pm
The first group consists of athletes from Andrea, Lorenzo and Alessandro triggered start and after a few meters are on the run alone, while Michael and I we made merry and chatting happily - with our relaxed pace . Show some 'fatigue Only on steep climbs Alzano: hills, overpasses, and even some pavement.

close the group that the future mother Sandra made merry merrily making a nice walk.

"But we did not have training on the bike path?! And how we're going around the industrial area of \u200b\u200bAlzano looking for a bridge to cross?!? "
's been 15 minutes of intense racing and I and Michael, we lost and we find ourselves in a field full of rabbits trying to reach the bike path and, after various adventures in road and subway type landfill, we find it. Happy go on ... maybe a bit 'of trouble. Maybe.

fatigue begins to be felt, say that at some point "you break wind," apparently this point I'll never reach it . Resist and increase the pace (ahahahhaahh) and when I decide to stop for a minute or two to rest a meeting Alex in great shape showing no signs of slowing down or stopping.
Oh, no! What remains of my competitive spirit compels me to continue ... I can not reach me by Lorenzo and Andrea who surrounded him behind me. Run, run, run.

about 17 hours
Finally we all come together and we enjoy a brief interlude of shopping and deserved the canteen of the Andes after good 45 minutes of exercise (someone, without naming names, he ran a lot more ', but the majority wins !)... and it is only the beginning!

Thanks to all participants for the short run, chatting with friends and the spirit of true Sunday Runners!

ps: ... but the official photographer of the race what happened? Have you seen you?
Fiore -16

Driver Logitech Quickcam E3000

Dinner ... and where were you?! Official Training

want an apology for the best pizza in the absence of last week!

some people had to dig the sea ..
those crab fishing in Alaska ..
those concerts of Russian folk song ..
and where were you?!

ps: but if anyone has any pictures of the event that we send the mails .. thanks!

Best Fixed Rate Isa December 2009

Sunday .. will be more successful this time!?

Sunday 20 at 11 c / o pools for training Alzano signed Sunday Runners

now the question is ... will more or less success last workout!?
we hope and think so .. but as you see it!?