Thursday, August 4, 2005

Orlando Cruise And Stay Blogs

Today we talk about web statistics, they are an essential and necessary for a webmaster, you need to have a complete picture of your website, it is possible to collect a lot of data:

  • Unique Hits and page views
  • New visitors
  • Origin (search engines, search keywords, or other sites)
  • System (browser, operating system etc)

There are lots of other information in addition to those mentioned, then, for example, if our site to become something more substantial and therefore we would like to add our advertising sponsors will definitely take a look at statistics to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat are buying, are therefore useful for that too!

To monitor access is necessary to use a service offered by some specialized site, there are many completely free and without limitazini, and I quote Stat point as it seems to be one of the best.

After registration you will need to just grab the html code that has been provided and place in our pages, after that you will have access to our statistics by logging into the site you have chosen. The visits will be displayed, alternatively, whether directly from our pages with a graphic meter messoci available.

I hope to be helpful!


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